
Early Diagnosis of
Motor Neurone Disease

Sector: Patient Organisation

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) wanted to raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of motor neurone disease (MND) in order to drive and support earlier diagnosis of this brutal and degenerative disorder.

The MNDA were keen to engage with a relevant NHS stakeholder population, especially roles that may assess patients exhibiting the early signs and symptoms of MND such as physiotherapists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapy.

Specifically, the MNDA wanted to provide access to a MND Red Flags Tool that had been created in combination with the Royal College of GPs. This tool was available to download via a bespoke microsite that Fendix created and hosted.

The microsite content was highly valuable to NHS staff: engagement behaviours showed that visitors were consuming all the available content, and significant downloads of the MND Reg Flags Tool were achieved.

 During the three month engagement service the MNDA microsite was visited by 618 relevant NHS staff and 147 downloads of the Red FlagsTool were recorded.


Watch the The MNDA Case Study

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