
Luxury Footwear Brand

Sector: Clinical and Non-Clinical

Luxury footwear and accessory brand worked with Fendix to advertise their exciting NHS offerings in the lead up to Christmas.

Over the three-week pilot, NHS staff were offered the exclusive opportunity to access the premium lifestyle fashion retailer at a discounted price of 40% off. The campaign was received strongly across our network, exceeding other retail services of its nature at the time due to its strong creatives and attractive offer to the NHS staff.

Fendix’s insights reports were able to demonstrate success with their core target customer group and also show that through working with Fendix, they were able to open up a new customer segment which previously had not been their focus.

Following these insights, Fendix will partner with the client’s marketing team to specifically tailor future services to optimise engagement and ensure the strongest ROI for the retailer. As a result of this, our NHS network will have the opportunity to access this brand’s discounted offer more frequently and effectively, bringing value to staff and helping them save on their favourite products across the year.


Across the three weeks, over 2500 NHS users accessed the luxury fashion retailer’s landing page via their NHS intranets, averaging 123 visits per day.


Premium Brand Discount

Performance vs Benchmark Services

Total Cumulative Visits

Weekly Visits by Audience

More Case Studies

Longitudinal Engagement
with HCPs

Early Diagnosis of
Motor Neurone Disease

Pandemic and Cost of
Living Support

Celebrating & Honouring Administration Staff

Health Service Discounts

Luxury Footwear and Accessory Brand

Our NHS Partners include:

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Fendix Media,
Sussex Innovation Centre,
University of Sussex,
Science Park Square,
Falmer, Brighton

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email: info@fendixmedia.co.uk

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